Editorial Design – Rebel Girls


Rebel Girls features writing by Roobs Leiser and design by yours truly.

Rebel Girls is a personal editorial project that features an entry from GRLCLB, and the original post can be read here. The writing is geared towards women empowerment and how we can truly lift one another up by causing small acts of rebellion that go against the grain of modern society and really become a big old group of rebel girls. We can only move forward if we work together and push each other to our full potential, and Roobs does a wonderful job at telling us how do to so. She is a true rebel girl, and she was so kind to let me use her content, and I tried my best to design the page layouts and use imagery that I felt suited her girl-talk subject. So thank you Roobs for letting me use your content! It was wonderful to not use placeholder text, and to have a great piece to base my designs off of! xx


All images were found through StockSnapUnsplash and Pexels which are amazing websites that feature free quality photos that be used for whatever project you have planned. The magazine mockups can be found on Behance, and were actually used in EN-CHANT and PUNCTILIO. The fonts used are Open Sans and Abril Fatface.


Hair Transformation – From Blonde to Blue


Hair Inspiration 11.17.16